Making long distance phone calls to loved ones is just one of many popular Valentine’s Day activities. Much more than a day to express love, Valentine’s Day includes its own rituals, rites of passage and regional ceremonies.
Valentine’s Day, perhaps more than any other holiday, has gone global. Halfway across the world or even right across your nearest national border, there’s a good chance how you celebrate Valentine’s Day differs from pretty much everybody else. Let’s take a trip around the globe – the Far East, Africa, Europe and South America – for some unique, unexpected and interesting Valentine’s Day traditions.
Known for fascinating flora, Taiwan brings Valentine’s Day and flowers together in romantic fashion. In fact, the country loves Valentine’s Day so much, they celebrate it twice (February 14th and July 7th). Men present women with bouquets, and the color & quantity of flowers have special meaning. If a lady receives 108 flowers, she’s just been asked for her hand in marriage!
Since Valentine’s Day and chocolate are a natural fit, Ghana celebrates Valentine’s Day in conjunction with National Chocolate Day. As you’d expect, sugary treats accompany sweet sentiment in equal proportions. In Ghana, Valentine’s Day was formerly associated as a “sin day” of sorts. To promote a more positive outlook, and also encourage consumption of Ghana’s cocoa, the country’s Ministry of Tourism combined both important dates into one. Talk about a sweet celebration!
The French are known for the amorous ways, and Valentine’s Day actually began with a Frenchman. In fact, this year marks the 600th anniversary of the very first V-Day card, written by Charles, Duke of Orleans, who was imprisoned in the Tower of London. In 1415, Charles penned love letters signed, “Your Valentine.” So, when you’re writing a Valentine’s Day card this year, thank the French.
In this South American country, Valentine’s Day is almost a state-sponsored event. Chile is known as a romantic destination, and the government encourages couples to enjoy the day. Heart-themed decorations, romantic music and entertainment venues all across the country assist in the celebration. While other places view Valentine’s Day with a hint of cynicism, the Chilean people revel in the moment.
Regardless of your home country’s culture, you’ll want to stay in touch with your loved one on Valentine’s Day. If you are currently away from each other, don’t let the distance prevent that much-anticipated heart-to-heart conversation. Use VIP Communications services to make that international long distance call home. With affordable calling plans and plenty of other benefits, VIP Communications is perfect for Valentine’s Day and the other 364 days out of the year.
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