Make Landline International Calls Today
- Dial an access number
Direct Access: 703-796-8000
Toll-Free Access: 1-800-836-5006
Which access number should I use?
If you have a nationwide plan with your home service provider that includes national calls, use the Direct Access number. If not use the Toll Free Access Number. Please check with your service provider to ensure you do not get charged for dialing the VIP access number. - Enter destination number at the dial tone
What is the correct format for international numbers?
An international number is made up of an international prefix, a country code, an area code and the local number. When calling from the U.S., use international prefix 011. You can also reference the International Calling Codes Page for a detailed list of all country codes worldwide.WARNING: Do not press the SEND button a second time after you have dialed the destination number. We also strongly recommend that you block all outgoing international calls with your mobile provider.
- Simply wait for the call to connect
To make dialing even easier, try using Quick Dial®!
What is Quick Dial®? Click here to learn more